Here is a list of frequently asked GoPro questions or questions about action cameras generally.
How to turn off a GoPro?
If you’re wondering how to turn off a GoPro, press and hold the front power button (next to the lens) for about five seconds. If you only press this front power button quickly, the GoPro will not shut off but instead will only switch modes. The red light will blink a few times to confirm that you are asking it to shut off. It may wait a moment before shutting down completely.
Can you take pictures with a GoPro?
Yes! You can absolutely take photos with a GoPro. Here’s how to take pictures with your GoPro: First, switch to the still photo mode. You can do this by pushing the front Mode button a few times until the word “Single” and the camera icon appears on the GoPro’s front screen. Now that your GoPro is in still photo mode, you can use the normal record button on the top of the GoPro to take a photo. You can switch through different photo modes using the side button to adjust your settings.
What is the best way to edit GoPro videos?
We suggest using the free GoPro Studio program to edit your GoPro footage into a compelling video. For more, read our article: What is the best video editing software for GoPro videos?
Where can I find free music for GoPro videos?
There are several places you can find free music for your GoPro videos. Here are a few free music sources: 1. If you have a YouTube account, browse their library of free instrumental music. 2. If all of that isn’t good enough, consider signing up for an Audioblocks account which will give you access to a huge library of thousands of music tracks for you to use in your GoPro video editing. Use this coupon code for a discount.
How can I add music to GoPro Videos?
You’ll need to use some sort of video editing software on your computer to add music to your GoPro footage. For more on that, read our article: What is the best video editing software for GoPro videos?
How to attach a GoPro to a Dog?
You’ll need a specialized harness for your dog that is made to hold your GoPro camera. Check our article: Best GoPro Dog Mount and GoPro Pet Mounts
How to delete GoPro Pictures & Videos
There are two ways to delete photos and videos off your GoPro camera. The first way is to connect your GoPro (or just the memory card) to your computer and delete the photos or videos you don’t want to keep from there. If you don’t have a computer (or a USB cable) handy, you can also delete photos or videos directly from your GoPro itself. To do this, you’ll need a GoPro with a color screen on the back of it (models like the Gopro session which has no color screen to view photos cannot delete photos or videos). To delete photos on a GoPro with a color viewing screen, first get into Playback mode by pressing the front Mode button next to the lens until the Playback arrow shows up. Select Playback by pressing the Rec button on the top (or using the camera’s touch screen if it has one). Next, choose Select by using the side button. Choose the photo or video you’d like to select, then choose Delete.
How to make good GoPro videos?
What makes a GoPro video good vs bad? That’s in the eye of the beholder. But we would argue that there are a few factors that make the difference between a good GoPro video and a bad one. First, the video’s length: nobody likes a video that’s too long. Sometimes a really great moment that would be a killer 1 minute video is hidden inside a longer 6 minute video that’s unbearable to watch. So we’d argue that you should trim your videos as much as possible. Next, since the audio from action camera microphones is usually not so great and not that important, replacing it with music can help make the video more exciting too. (Related: see our article on External microphones for GoPro Cameras – GoPro Mics & More) Finally, adding in effects, titles and transitions can help make a video shine. To do each of these, you’ll need to use some GoPro editing software on your computer. The first step is to read our article: What is the best video editing software for GoPro videos?
How to edit GoPro pictures?
There are plenty of ways to edit GoPro photos on your computer, but we’d suggest the easiest way is to upload your photos to an online service like free Photoshop Express editor.
What is the best GoPro to buy?
Check out our article: GoPro Comparison Chart.
How do you watch GoPro footage on a TV?
To watch your GoPro videos on a television, read our article: How to watch GoPro video on a TV